Tuesday, October 20, 2009

i beleave

To gain power is one thing to use is completely different. For example the president could drop a nuclear bomb on Moscow right now without any consolation with Congress but he won't because of the consequences. So the power you can change the world or something smaller like a umpire in baseball game. If a player or manager starts yelling at the umpire he can kick them out but he won't that is an example of power not to use just because the fans are probably going to yell at him. I believe the power should be used to make the right choice it does not have to be the popular one for as long as that person thinks that is the right choice by choice not to do anything. I know that there are things that influence the leader’s choice of power like things we learn in school and in church and the media. Sure that is important but you have the power you should use it that's what I believe.

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