Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bee's are being grown in cities

I just read a interesting article about bee's being grown in pairs.I thought it was weird how the beast seem not to be is dying as much in the city versus,the countryside.Which makes me think that's the Cause that is killing all of the bee's is not in the city, but rather in the countryside. So I think that we can test the bees are dying colonyand the bees in a healthy colony and see what the differences are.I also found it interesting in the article "Paris rooftops abuzz with beekeeping" by Francois Mori That it shows that the ones in Franc produce more honey at least five times more than the countryside. Which might means the flowers in the city might have something inthem that give the bees a chance to fight the disease that's killing them. But other reasons is that pesticides is outlawed in France so the bee's have less chance of dying.

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